Photos: Jessica Gresham

The Buffalo Canalside concert series wrapped up another astounding summer this Friday 8.30.19 with a huge final sellout show featuring Nas. This summer has had the likes of T.I, The Struts, Incubus and many more note worthy acts. Nas was indeed a great choice for a final show. 

There was a plethora of DJ’s that opened for Nas including: DJ Pino, DJ Iceberg & DJ Milk with a wonderful vocalist Curtis Lovell. She I truly will say stole the whole night and I mean that with all respect to all the talent. Her voice left you with a consistent goosebump but it would actually amplify through out her strong notes and passionate vocals. Absolutely hidden gem that needs her voice heard go give her a follow on Instagram @curtislovellmusic. They all energized the crowd and gave an invigorating start to the night and what was to come. 

Nas came out fully ignited from the crowds energy, sparking the fire created in the anticipation. Performing all the classics you would expect; “The World Is Yours”, “If I Rule The World”, “One Mic” and “Got Yourself A Gun”. Ranging from hits from the 90’s to the singles from his more recent albums, they are all big and noteworthy in themselves due to the huge popularity to each single. Everyone was fully engaged, singing verbatim and loudly at nearly all times. Easy to see why since Nas has always been notable for his lyrical genius and since this tour was also a celebration of illmatics 25th anniversary his legendary holds the test of time.

One other very notable part of this show that I have yet to see personally was the ASL interpreter to the side of the stage giving the hearing impaired the same chance to enjoy a night out of music. I give all the credit to those musicians who provide that resource at their shows and I think more need to do as such.  

Nas was indeed a huge successful turn out, the folks that attended all had nothing but positive feedback to say about the show and it showed in the turn out. The crowd was really into the performance at all times, he engaged heart-fully to the fans and gave the sell out crowd a great night. The final show left you fulfilled enough to get us through a long winter of anticipation of what next seasons line up will be

Review: Jessica Gresham